Want to wear a holiday sweater? Fine by me.

Lisa's very old and very comfy overallsI am a rule follower, and, as such, I prefer as few rules as possible. Therefore, I am proposing that we dispense with all rules that have to do with clothing. Frankly, I don’t need this kind of stress.

For me, it all started with Glamour magazine’s “Don’ts” page–photos of everyday women caught in public breaking fashion rules. TLC’s popular show “What Not to Wear” operates in much the same way, by exposing the wardrobe blunders of unsuspecting victims.

These days everywhere I look someone is telling me to wear this and not that. I’ve learned, for example, that workout clothes belong in the gym, pajamas belong in the bedroom, overalls belong on the farm, and holiday sweaters belong, well, nowhere. Read the rest of this entry »